2004 was good for us !!
The year started with going skiing right here in Indiana at Perfect North on a trip with our Sailing Club. To help get through the winter, we enjoyed our normal time share week in Orlando over Spring Break.
Finishing off the 2003-2004 school year was a season EJ will never forget. The 5th grade rugby team he formed (and Evan coached), ended up winning the State Championship in the 5th/6th grade division! EJ is organizing the rugby team just now for a second year at his middle school. EJ is also continuing with the saxophone and has joined the Middle School Jazz Band. Luckily, he still has time to spend with the school Tech Club and handle a few gigs as a DJ with his laptop, amp, and speaker system. EJ da DJ!!
During the summer, while Erika was romping in Florida with another family, the rest of us went to Cedar Point and picked up a few days at Put-In-Bay on the way back. The kids also enjoyed their annual week at Camp Tecumseh to help kick off the summer. In the middle of the summer, Katie took the kids for a Barbone family reunion in Michigan continuing on with a stay with relatives for a few days in Grand Bend, Canada! In another summer activity, Evan took EJ with several friends on another trip spelunking into Salamander Cave near Bloomington.  Next summer's plan is a swimming trip to the quarries also near Bloomington!
This last year was rather interesting professionally for Katie. She started out the year working at the new Junior Achievement center mostly being involved with organizing and running the Exchange City function. However, just recently, Katie started helping out an old friend at the dental lab where she had worked most of her professional career...however, this time it's now in the Corporate R&D area where the projects are rather futuristic. We're thinking Katie will migrate more toward the exciting R&D career and lessen the exciting Exchange City career...but either way, it's a real interesting position for her at this point in life.
The classical retirement scenario hasn't exactly been Evan's path yet. Other than coaching EJ's rugby team as well as lending organizational support for the two high school rugby teams, Evan's picked up quite a few time sponges that keep him hopping. Of course, he's still squeezing in his twice-a-week basketball jaunts (three during the winter) to help keep somewhat fit. He also spends time as a member of the Zionsville Parks Recreation Board and the Zionsville Pathways Committee.   As we still actively sail at our Sailing Club at Eagle Creek (where EJ won a racing trophy this year), Evan continues to publish the Club's monthly newsletter and was just this fall voted in as Vice Commodore!
Evan, as the Republican Precinct Committeemen for our precinct, really had his hands full running the polls for that huge election last month. We think we had just about 100% turnout that day.
Finally, Evan's IT work has hit stride.  He can hardly keep up with all the calls and commitments he has. But, he's finally found something he absolutely loves to do (other than party) that he can even help earn a living doing. As of the writing of this annual update, there are nine computers actively networked in our house. During the winter computer season, our house is a hit with the neighborhood friends!